Surrey COSMOS mobile mapping app available

As many members are likely aware, COSMOS is the City of Surrey’s online mapping system.

Although the system is not accessible through Google Chrome or Safari at this time, you can access it through Firefox or IE, or via the free iPhone or Android mobile app available from the iTunes Store or Google Play.

The mobile app provides easy and reliable access to a diverse set of municipal data, including:

  • property information
  • community services
  • transportation
  • land use
  • parks and recreation
  • infrastructure
  • images

The city says the interface is easy to use for both existing and new COSMOS users, intuitive and is designed for multiple device types. If you are already familiar with using COSMOS on your desktop, you will have a seamless experience transitioning to this new app.

Click here for short videos to help you quickly learn how to use the system.

If you have questions or comments, contact Sean Simpson, GIS Manager, at 604-591-4730.