Have you checked out the Message of the Day stats? As of June 11, property sales in our region are up 80 per cent compared to the same period in May.
This means the market is slowly recovering. More sales means more buyers. And we want to learn about them.
Every month – around the 16th – the Board emails all members who sold a property during the first two weeks of that month, working as the selling agent.
The email is called the FVREB Market Poll – with the current month indicated.
Please reply to this poll if you sold a house in the first two weeks of June!
It’s a short survey with seven questions that will take you less than five minutes to complete. And, it’s extremely helpful to us.
The Board issues this survey on behalf of the President. Though not capturing the details of every sale, the results give us an informal snapshot of market dynamics.
Questions like: Is it a first-time buyer or a move-up buyer? Is the buyer a family or a single person? Where are they moving from?
Your answers give us insight as to what you’re seeing in your day-to-day work and help equip the President when responding to media enquiries about market trends and help our communications team compile our stats press release.
Look for the Market Poll to be coming your way within the next week and it will be open for five business days. Once closed, the results will be tabulated prior to month end and shared with the President and staff.
Thanks in advance for your participation.
Source: FVREB Communications