Can’t be there? Find out how to watch the AGM and vote remotely on February 19

We look forward to seeing you in person at the AGM on February 19, but if for some reason you can’t make it to the Langley Convention Centre, you can view the meeting, vote and participate online just as if you were there in person.  Here’s how.

Voting eligibility

To vote, you must be a Fraser Valley member in good-standing.  Probationary members are NOT eligible to vote.

Then, on the day of the AGM, you must also register in order to cast your vote during the meeting.

To register for the AGM, you must log in to the custom FVREB AGM dashboard between 7 am and 9:15 am. When you log-in, it’s the equivalent of registering at the meeting. NOTE: After 9:15 am, if you are NOT registered, you cannot vote – but you can observe and comment.

If you log in between 7 am and 9:15 am, even if you lose your connection and need to log in to rejoin the meeting, you will still maintain your eligibility to vote.

Between 7 am and 9:15 am, navigate to our custom FVREB AGM dashboard

Use your web browser to navigate to the dashboard through REALTOR Link® at

You will be prompted to log in using your usual FVREB username and password. Note: You may not be prompted to log in if you are already logged into Paragon or REALTOR Link®.

On the home page of REALTOR Link® you’ll see a banner; click on it to get to the AGM dashboard where you’ll find a screen similar to the one below; simply click on the meeting name ‘AGM 2020’.

Understand the dashboard

The top of your screen shows the livestream in progress. Until the livestream begins, this area will display an AGM welcome slide.

Note the Chat icon, which you can click to launch the Q&A module.

Scroll down to see the Simply Voting section, with three navigation buttons and any Current ballots or Upcoming ballots displayed.

If you’re not eligible to vote, instead of the Simply Voting section, you’ll see a message explaining that you’re not eligible to vote, why that may be and who to contact if you think there’s been an error.

Casting your votes

When voting has opened, you’ll hear an announcement though the livestream.

Click on the Home button in the Simply Voting section to refresh your view.

The question will appear in the Current Ballots section with a prompt to Vote Now. If you’re eligible to vote, you’ll see the ballot.

Registered voters will have two minutes to vote, which is based on the policies set out for remote voting (available on REALTOR Link®). If you miss the two-minute voting window, you’ve missed your chance to vote on that motion.

However, you can still vote on the remaining motions.

If you cannot see a Current ballot question at any time, simply click on the Home button to refresh the Simply Voting section.

Using the private Q&A

By clicking on the “Open Chat” icon, you can ask a private question or make a comment. Click in the “Ask a private question” box to begin typing. Only the moderator can see your comment or questions.

Using this Q&A, you can ask a short, simple general or technical question. But the module is limited by the length of text you type there (200 characters). Longer questions and comments can be submitted through the online form. (Read below.)

You also have the option to edit your question by clicking on “Edit” or remove your question by clicking “Remove.” To close the Q&A window click on the X. Note: If you click the “Open Chat” icon again, you will see your question and any response from the moderator.

To ask a question or make a comment to be shared with the AGM assembly

If you would like to share a question or comment to be read before the AGM assembly, use the Q&A to ask the moderator for the link to submit your comment.

Only questions or comments submitted through the online form will be read aloud, no questions submitted through the Q&A will be shared.

Your comment will be read word-for-word, as is, with no adjustments.

As well, the time frame to submit comments may be short. For these reasons, we recommend that you draft your comments ahead of time as much as possible, so that you can easily copy and paste it into the form when the time comes. Note: comments are limited to 2 minutes, which is around 200 words.

Your comment will only be read aloud during the appropriate time during the meeting and when acknowledged by the meeting chair.

Please note that your comments cannot use unacceptable, abusive language such as swearing or name-calling. Such language will not be shared. Please be respectful and considerate at all times.

The AGM meeting rules apply to remote participants as well as the in-person ones, so a second comment cannot be shared until all others have had a chance to speak once.

Log off when you’re done

And thanks for participating!