Our first ever virtual AGM exceeded expectations. A whopping 667 members (no proxies) joined the historic event! Thank you once again. Your level of engagement and enthusiasm are some of the reasons why our Board is what it is today.
We are pleased to provide you with a recording of the live stream. Click here to access the video. Here’s a rundown of the time stamps:
President’s Report – 0:00:01 to 11:26
John Armeneau Professional of the Year Award – 0:11:27 to 0:16:40
CEO’s Report: 0:16:41 to 0:22:20
Rules of the Meeting & Voting Procedures – 0:22:21 to 0:32:38
Practice Vote – 0:32:29 to 0:38:02
Adoption of Minutes of the AGM held February 19, 2020 – 0:38:03 to 0:40:33
Review of Audited Financial Statements for 2020: 0:40:33 to 0:55:38
Appoint Ernst & Young as Auditor for 2021 and authorize the Board of Directors to set the remuneration for the Auditors – 0:55:39 to 0:58:10
Bylaw Amendments – 0:58:11 to 1:11:58
Report of the Nominating Committee – 1:11:59 to 1:42:32
New Business – 1:42:33 to 2:23:36
REMINDER: Complete our AGM 2021 Survey for your chance to win a SentriLock lockbox
Whether or not you were able to attend the AGM 2021, we still want to hear from you!
Please take a few minutes to respond to this short survey – it will help in our planning for next year’s AGM. The survey closes on Friday March 26 – and don’t forget to include your contact information to be entered in a draw for a new SentriLock lockbox (valued at $145).
As part of our ongoing commitment to seek feedback from members, we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thank You!
Click here to complete the survey.
Source: FVREB Communications