Updated: Touchbase to include automatic COVID-19 screen form and a time limit option of 15 minutes for showings

by Baldev S. Gill, Chief Executive Officer

New COVID-19 screen form:

At this time of heightened, and often stressful, market activity, it’s more important than ever to observe health protocols to protect buyers, sellers and one another.

In response to member demand, FVREB will activate a COVID-19 screening form (Covid terms agreement) in Touchbase to allow members to confirm that COVID-19 precautions have been implemented prior to booking a showing.

As of March 23, 2021, all Touchbase requests for showings of FVREB members’ listings will require a mandatory field to be filled out, indicating that all parties agree to the public health protocols in place regarding COVID-19 before the showing can be booked. This new feature provides a built-in mechanism for quickly and consistently creating a record of your efforts to observe safety measures without having to maintain a separate tracking/screening process.

The Covid terms agreement form will automatically be included and activated for all Touchbase showing requests as of March 23.

Managing Brokers were advised on how to opt-out of the new Covid terms agreement form in an eMemo shared with them on March 17.

If your Managing Broker has chosen to opt-out of the Covid form function for the entire brokerage, the feature will not be accessible to any member within the office.

New 15 minutes time limit option for showings:

In response to FVREB members’ suggestions related to the busy market and popular listings, as of April 14 you also have the option to “Limit showings duration” to 15 minutes. This option augments the other available options of no limit, 30 minutes, 45 minutes and one hour. Note: The new option does not affect the default time limit of 30 minutes for showings.

Thank you for your continued efforts to Guide, Advise and Protect clients during the pandemic. If you have any questions, please contact FVREB Helpdesk at 604-930-7626.