UBCM Housing Summit – Analysis on Provincial Housing Plan

On the day before the Union of British Columbia Municipalities’ Housing Summit on April 5th, the Province announced its new strategy for housing: Homes for People. It is an ambitious plan with wide-ranging elements that will have significant implications for local governments across B.C. The Stakeholder & Government Relations Committee, acknowledges that the housing crisis in BC will benefit from the attention and resources of a dedicated ministry, led by the Hon. Ravi Kahlon.  The goal of these initiatives is to make meaningful progress to help ensure everyone in BC can attain a home, whether it is renting or owning.

The SGRC is encouraged that the Provincial government recognizes the realities of the housing crisis many British Columbians are facing, and we appreciate the funding and policy strategies aimed at making a lasting impact. The SGRC recognizes the plan as a hopeful leap in the right direction to create sound housing policy and with it, the potential for a more balanced and attainable market.

As more details emerge with the upcoming refreshed housing strategy and “Homes for People Plan” the SGRC will work with various advocacy partners within our region to build on provincial efforts to ensure that all British Columbians have a place to call home. The SGRC will continue to push for municipal and provincial government to consider our intelligence, data, expertise, and outreach, to help support sound housing policy.

The various panels and discussions at the Housing Summit included: Densification and Upzoning, Homelessness, Speculation, Rural and Norther Challenges, Expediting Development Approvals, and Short-Term Rentals.  More information on these panels and discussions can be found at:

UBCM Housing Summit: Housing BC Together Presentations | Union of BC Municipalities

Check out this link for a summary on the Housing Summit by UBCM:

Analysis of provincial housing plan | Union of BC Municipalities (ubcm.ca)

Source: Professional Standards