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Fee rebate and one-month dues vacation in April

by Gopal Sahota, President

Due to a couple of really great years in terms of a busy market, our financial position is solid and our targets for reserves have been met. This means that we are now well positioned to weather a market downturn and deal with significant technology investments if required.

I am happy to report that, due to that position, the Board is now able to roll back on fees and dues.

First off, we are announcing a one-time “dues vacation” for the month of April, where your monthly dues will be covered by the Board. This benefit will be enjoyed by all Active and Probationary members and is worth about $109 for each of you. Our hope is that you use this opportunity to invest in your professional development, by taking an extra PDP course or other training to enhance your skills.

Secondly, we are offering a “rebate” of $15 for every listing that sells, starting with sales processed after March 1. This means that for any listing that sells, the listing brokerage will get $15 off the success fee billed to the listing brokerage.

Finally, a reminder that a SentriCard is now included in your membership dues as a benefit of membership, as it is a key tool for professionals. If you do not yet have a SentriCard, please contact the Board to get yours set up. You’ll get a physical SentriCard as well as the SentriSmart app that allows you to access lockboxes via your smartphone.

It’s rare that we are able to offer a dues vacation or rollback on fees – never before have we been able to do both at the same time. This is our fortunate financial position today; however, things will change down the road for any number of reasons. When appropriate or necessary, we will adjust our fees and dues accordingly, whether that’s up, or down.

Thank you for your hard work over the last few years during an extremely busy market. We hope that this gesture is a reminder of how we are all together in this, and we all benefit.