FVREB consults with members on the future role of Managing Brokers

The Office of the Superintendent of Real Estate (OSRE), Real Estate Council of BC and the Policy & Legislation Division of the Ministry of Finance are reviewing the role and responsibilities of Managing Brokers in BC’s changing real estate landscape.

In October 2019, they released a discussion paper entitled “Reframing the Role of Managing Brokers in BC” and they welcome comments from Boards, BCREA and other stakeholders.

The FVREB Board of Directors is requesting input from as many members as possible (including Managing Brokers, Associate Brokers, Representatives and others), in order to prepare a response which accurately reflects the unique views of our membership.

This is an important opportunity for members to influence the future role and responsibilities of Managing Brokers.

Once you have reviewed the OSRE discussion paper, please take a few minutes to fill out this anonymous survey to ensure your views as a working real estate professional are included in our written submission.

This survey will be open until 4:30 pm on Monday, November 25.

If you’d like to provide further comment, we encourage you to: