We understand that many members encountered difficulty when attempting to update their password to the new password format. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as our Helpdesk team works to assist members through the process.
If you’re stuck in a log-in loop where you can’t access your account, try logging-in via a different internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Google Chrome).
Here’s a tip from the Helpdesk Team:
The new password format is case-sensitive. If the password you’re entering doesn’t match the capitalization of the new password you created, it won’t be accepted. For example: If your new password is Alberto7, then ‘alberto7’ or ‘alBERto7’ will not be accepted.
Please remember these requirements when changing your password: it must be a minimum of seven characters long (maximum 15 characters long) and contain at least one number and six letters . Of those letters, at least one must be lower case and one upper case.
Remember, your new password will be immediately available in Paragon, WEBForms® and REALTOR Link®. Your other apps may take up to 24 hours to update, during which time your old password may be required.