- The majority of Premier John Horgan’s new NDP cabinet comes from the Lower Mainland.
- Out of the 16 MLAs elected in the Fraser Valley Board communities, three Surrey area MLAs were given cabinet posts (Harry Bains – Minister of Labour; Bruce Ralston – Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology; and Jinny Sims – Minister of Citizens’ Services). Ravi Kahlon, the MLA for Delta North, was appointed the Parliamentary Secretary for Sport and Multiculturalism.
- The new transportation minister is Claire Trevena, from the North Island.
- Parliamentary secretary for TransLink, is Bowinn Ma from North Vancouver. Parliamentary secretaries are appointed by a premier to assist cabinet ministers with their parliamentary duties
- Selina Robinson is the new Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. She is MLA for Coquitlam-Maillardville
- Robinson will have the responsibility of fulfilling the new government’s promise of building new affordable housing units. Bowinn Ma will report on TransLink-related issues to Robinson.
- Carole James is both the new Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier
- The new government also plans to establish a new Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions, a Minister of State for Child Care, and a Minister for Social Development and Poverty Reduction.
BCREA updates:
- Following the BC NDP and Green Parties agreement to form government, BCREA reached out to both parties with recommendation for a Ministry of Housing. Instead there will be a Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
- BCREA also recommended the new government retain a Ministry, or Ministry of State, for Emergency Preparedness. The government has retained a portfolio for emergency management, naming Jennifer Rice as Parliamentary Secretary. This will be within the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, led by the Honourable Mike Farnworth.
- BCREA will continue to advocate for our emergency management and flood protection recommendations, including the advancement of floodplain mapping across BC.
The Board’s Government Relations Committee volunteers have congratulated the newly-elected Fraser Valley area MLAs and will be liaising with them throughout the year.