Close up of male hand putting vote into a balot box

Let’s get our Act together: Say yes to 66.7% of our members

Resolution #3 – Adopt Societies Act recommended 66.6% threshold to approve Special Resolutions

The FVREB’s current threshold for approving Special Resolutions, even small housekeeping changes in our By-laws, has become extremely difficult to reach at our current 75% approval threshold.

It has meant that one quarter (25%) of those members voting at an AGM have the power to prevent changes that the large majority, (up to three quarters) of our members want and need for our Board to continue growing and progressing. 

As a non-profit society, the FVREB falls under the provincial Societies Act. In the revised Act from 2016the recommended percentage of votes needed to pass Special Resolutions was changed from the previous 75% to 66 2/3%. This was made by legislation to enable non-profit organizations like ours to align with more modern practices of governance and democratic decision-making.

The Societies Act 66 2/3% majority respects the will of a clear majority of members. However, our current 75% threshold is so limiting that positive changes that would advance the Board and the future of our business, can and frequently do fail.

It’s important that changes to the Board By-laws are well-considered and presented clearly to members, and that we get a healthy majority of our voting members to agree on the Board’s major decisions.

Adopting the Societies Act standard will allow our Board to maintain its efficiency and effectiveness. A strong Board empowers our members with better tools and supports for their success.