The back-to-school rituals have started with school supplies lists and lineups as long as ever prior to Labour Day. For Realtors, September may also signal renewal and a time to restart after the summertime unwinding. Taking education classes is one way to move forward in your business.
Over the next few weeks FVREB members have the opportunity for some new and updated course offerings. On September 13, To PREC or not to PREC? will explore revenue and tax implications of starting a Personal Real Estate Corporation (PREC). Instructor Faizal Valli covers everything from name registration, incorporation, and income sources to accounting, bookkeeping, dividends, salaries and shareholders.
On September 6 the new Strata Fundamentals – Part One course (formerly offered as Condo 101) will cover the many complexities associated with the sale or purchase of strata properties, and how to provide your clients with accurate information about this increasingly popular and affordable type of property ownership. But be warned: as of August 30, there were very few seats for Part One left to snap up. Strata Fundamentals – Part Two (formerly offered as Condo 102) will be offered on September 28.
A highly popular series offered only twice a year is Barbara Bell-Olsen’s Writing Enforceable Contracts 101, 102 and 103, taught over three separate seminars. Contracts 101 on October 5, will cover deposits, material latent defects, residential tenancy information, unauthorized accommodation, common contract clauses, and the so-called “Famous Five”.
Writing Enforceable Contracts 102 on October 12 deals with referential offers, title searches, revocation, buying or selling for you or family, writing and reviewing contracts with tenancy issues, buying from an estate, powers of attorney and several other common issues.
In Writing Enforceable Contracts 103, on October 19, Bell-Olsen instructs on the subject of contracts for strata properties and leads a review of the Real Estate Development Marketing Act.
Attendees of the series will receive a comprehensive manual that includes sample contracts.
Another fall option is Jeremy Sutton’s Contract Bootcamp on October 25, which is exactly what it sounds: a series of practical, real-life exercises designed specifically to improve your contract-writing muscle tone. Sutton uses the term bootcamp to stress the idea that writing enforceable contracts — like physical fitness — takes dedication, practice, and repetition.
And just when the winter begins creeping in, November brings something worth getting out for. Multiple offers can occur at any time, and only one offer can win. Thank your lucky stars for Bell-Olsen’s Multiple Offers course on November 2, delivered in three parts: working with a seller, working with a buyer, and how to put it all together in a contract. Says Bell-Olsen, “Multiple offers are stressful and can turn into a nightmare if they are not handled properly.”
For details on these courses and to register, go to the TLC Calendar.