A callout to members: Recommend a local charity

The Board is looking for submissions from local charitable organizations that could make good use of a $5,000 grant that is gifted on behalf of the FVREB membership each year.

This year the deadline for submissions has moved to October 14, 2017, two weeks past the deadline in previous years. Charities that make a request for the donation should follow these priorities:

  • Shelter-related causes that support the provision, creation, or modification of temporary or permanent human shelter.
  • Projects or organizations that address the needs of people who live in the Fraser Valley: North Delta, Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, and Mission.
  • Projects or organizations that support Quality of Life principles such as:
    – ensuring economic vitality;
    – providing housing opportunities;
    – preserving our environment;
    – protecting property owners; and
    – building better communities

For a full list of criteria and submission guidelines, please visit our Community Initiatives page on our public website.

Submissions must be sent by the charity making the request and can be emailed to the attention of the Communications Department of the FVREB at communications@fvreb.bc.ca.