Meet your 2021 Board of Director candidates

Here is a list of the members looking for support to join the 2021 Board of Directors. The list includes candidates nominated by the Board’s Nominating Committee and candidates nominated by members.


To be elected for a one-year term:

President Elect:

  • Sandra Benz (Representative), RE/MAX Performance Realty, Delta


  • Marylou Leslie (Associate Broker), Macdonald Realty, Delta

DIRECTORS (NEW: Click on the video links below to hear from each candidate.):

To fill the remaining four vacancies for a two-year term:

Manny Chatha(Representative)Stonehaus RealtyLangleyNomination from the Nominating Committee
Gin Dhillon(Representative)Keller Williams EliteSurreyNomination from the Nominating Committee
Angela Evennett(Representative)Royal LePage WolstencroftLangleyNomination from the Nominating Committee
Jesse Gill(Representative)Vybe RealtyAbbotsfordNomination from the Nominating Committee
Ishaq Ismail(Managing Broker)RE/MAX Blueprint RealtySurreyNomination from Members
Jasbir Sandhu(Managing Broker)Century 21 Coastal RealtySurreyNomination from Members
Christopher Savage(Associate Broker)Sutton Group West Coast RealtySurreyNomination from the Nominating Committee

Continuing to serve the second year of a two-year elected term as Director:

Narinder Bains(Representative)RE/MAX Blueprint RealtySurrey
Dale Barker(Associate Broker)Royal LePage Global ForceSurrey
Linda Sue Peaker(Representative)Macdonald RealtyDelta

The following positions are automatically assumed:


Larry Anderson (Representative), Sutton Premier Realty, Surrey as the 2020 President-Elect will automatically assume the position of President for 2021.

Past President

Chris Shields (Representative), Macdonald Realty, Surrey as immediate Past President, will serve as ex-officio member of the Directorate.

Broker Division

The Chairman of the Broker Division, Darcy Reddicopp (Managing Broker), Sutton Group West Coast Realty, Abbotsford was elected at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Broker Division for a one-year term and will by virtue of such office be a Director of the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board.

More information on the candidates:

Visit on our Candidates page on REALTOR Link®. Once there, you will see pictures of the candidates and any profiles written and submitted by the candidates.

During the AGM on March 11 and prior to the election proceedings, each candidate for a contested position will provide a brief pre-recorded presentation.

How to join the AGM:

We encourage you to join the AGM by logging into the FVREB Portal on March 11 between 8 am and 9:45 am (the meeting begins at 9:30 am) at the following URL:

Reminder: Proxies not accepted for the AGM

We will not be accepting proxy votes at the AGM because the FVREB Constitution and By-laws explicitly state that FVREB is not able to accept proxies when meetings are held electronically, as will be the case on March 11.

Here is the relevant exerpt from the FVREB Constitution and By-laws:

ARTICLE TWO, PART D, Section 1, Paragraph (c), sub-paragraph (v):

(v) a proxy holder can only exercise the authority conferred by a form of proxy by physically attending a General Meeting. For greater clarity, no proxies may be exercised via Electronic Means or at a vote held outside of a General Meeting in accordance with ARTICLE TWO, PART D, SECTION 1(c).

We strongly encourage you to attend the March AGM virtually to make your voice heard and known at the meeting.

How to vote:

In the FVREB Portal:

  1. Click on “Vote” to enter the voting screen.
  2. Click on “Home” to refresh the screen.
  3. After voting, click “Continue” and then “Confirm” to ensure your vote is received.

For more information on the AGM, including an FAQ on the FVREB Portal, a How to Vote video, and the Proposed Bylaw Resolutions, visit our AGM 2021 page on REALTOR Link®.

Source: FVREB Communications