As members who have worked with listings on either North Bluff Road or South Fraser Way can attest, searching for those listings in Paragon® can be particularly tricky.
Why? When searching for a listing where the address indicates the direction of North, South, East or West on that street, you would have to separate this into the Pre-Direction and Street Name search boxes.
Searching for South Fraser Way or North Bluff Road wouldn’t turn up results unless the Pre Direction drop-down was used as seen in the image below.
However, South Fraser Way and North Bluff Road are especially notable, because the South and North are not actually directions on the street – they are part of the street name (i.e. there is no South, East or West Bluff Road in White Rock). As a result of member requests, MLS® has changed the way these two streets are entered on Paragon®, now as “South Fraser” and “North Bluff” in the street name field, with nothing in the Pre-Direction field.
Paragon® has now been updated, including all historical listings, to allow members to search the full street name “North Bluff” and “South Fraser” (rather than N., Bluff and S., Fraser) as seen in the image below.
If you would like more information on this change or assistance, please contact the Board’s Helpdesk at 604-930-7626 or