REFBC’s 2018-19 Annual Report is now available

All of the Real Estate Foundation of BC’s (REFBC) work – grants, research, collaborations – are made possible by real estate activity in BC. The interest earned on pooled brokerage trust accounts generated more than $90 million in grants to help fund environmental education programs, public engagement on regional transportation needs, and a pilot project to encourage homeowners to install heat pumps.

Including this batch of grants, REFBC approved more than $90 million in funding since 1988 to support research, education, and policy analysis related to land use and real estate in BC.

Read the 2018-19 Annual Report, with highlights from the last year.

To learn more about the Real Estate Foundation of BC, visit their website. You can also sign up for REFBC’s e-newsletter to keep up-to-date on the REFBC’s work.