Morning Member Meetings – February 17 and 24

As mentioned in the last issue of NewsReal, the Board is gearing up for our Morning Member Meetings to be held in February. The plan was to get back to the original pre-covid format of in-person meetings at municipalities throughout our jurisdiction. We were looking forward to the opportunity to meet up with members face-to-face again, to network, make new contacts and, importantly, share breakfast!

Unfortunately, after the Provincial Health Office’s recent announcement to maintain restrictions on gatherings due to the spike in cases and hospitalizations caused by the Omicron variant, we are now obliged to conduct these meetings virtually.

Nonetheless, we promise to deliver valuable and informative meetings including updates on Board and sector initiatives & issues and a preview of what to expect at our upcoming Annual General Meeting on March 29.

So, mark your calendars for February 17 and February 24. And look for more details in the coming days and weeks, including information about our new FVREB Connect platform.

FVREB Communications