FVREB’s Lasting Legacy – Video Memories in the Time Capsule  

As part of the FVREB’s Centennial Celebrations, which will be winding down this fall, we are filling a time capsule to be buried on the FVREB office grounds.

Plans are being finalized for a special gathering for members and staff to witness this event, so stay tuned for more details!  

Among the many interesting items which have been selected for the time capsule, we will be creating and including a special video, open to all FVREB members who wish to participate. 

If you would like to be part of the FVREB 100-year legacy in this special way, here’s how:  

  1. Book a 30-minute session (September 26 – 29, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) at the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board office, using this calendar.
  2. Prepare for the video by reviewing these questions:
    • In one phrase, what does the FVREB means to you?
    • What makes you most proud of being an FVREB member?
    • What is your hope for future generations of FVREB?
    • When this time capsule is opened 100 years from now, what would you like your message to be to those who open it?

Again, the video will be included in the capsule with other interesting objects that represent the Board’s history and legacy.

Book early so you don’t miss your chance. The deadline to book your time slot for the video shoot is Friday, September 23, 2022.

FVREB Communications