Paragon Tech Tip: How to Import Your Gmail contacts

Did you know? Paragon now allows you to import contacts you have created in your Gmail account by linking your Google account to Paragon.

1. Once logged into Paragon, go to Contacts at the top and select View Manage Contacts.

2. Click on Import, then select Google. You will then see a screen pop up for you to enter your Gmail email address to access your Google Contacts.

3. You may need to complete a few steps the first time you set up Google Contacts in Paragon.

4. If you see a grey window just spinning, you will need to allow pop-ups within Paragon. Allow them by clicking on the address bar indicator showing that they were blocked, and then from there select Always allow Pop ups.

With pop-ups allowed, you may have to close all windows and start this process over again.

5. With pop-ups now allowed, you will be prompted to sign into your Google account.

6. Once fully signed-in, you will have allowed Paragon access to Contacts and finally granted permission.

During this process you may get a warning that the app is not verified. If you do, simply click on Advanced and then go to

7. Simply check off the contact(s) you wish to import and select Next. With contacts now imported successfully, hit close.

8. With all of this enabled, you can select any of your Google contacts for importing into Paragon. 

9. You can revoke Google’s access to Paragon at any time by selecting the Import option and clicking disconnect account in the upper right hand corner.

Sources: FVREB IT and Communications