On Wednesday, October 10, Paragon will receive an update that will introduce several new improvements and features to the system.
Maintenance to upgrade Paragon to version 5.67 will begin on Tuesday, October 9 at 10:00 PM and will last approximately eight hours. During this time, Paragon will be unavailable.
Here is a breakdown on what you can expect with the update via Black Knight, Paragon’s provider:
Mapping: New Distance Measurement Feature
Users now have the ability to measure distance from any point on the map to another point. Multiple distance shapes can be added and saved to the search. This new shape does not filter results.
CMA Comparables Grid Changes
The sorting and column width adjustments on the Comparables page of the CMA now saves.
Driving Directions – Issue Update
There was an issue with the starting address appearing as the first destination address in the driving directions. This caused the last address in the directions to appear with a 0 subtotal drive time. This has been corrected to reflect the correct first address destination and the correct last address drive time subtotal.
CMA: Copy Adjustments to Other Comparables
The ability to copy an adjustment forward and backward to subsequent and previous comparables has been added to the CMA Adjustments page. ‘Copy’ buttons have been added to the adjustments row so the user can specify which direction the adjustment should be applied.
CMA Saved Adjustments – Issue Update
In the last release, a feature was added that allowed users to add a manual adjustment to the CMA presentation and upon clicking Save, the adjustment automatically saved to a Saved Adjustments list. Although the adjusted field description carried over to the other comparables, its associated adjusted value did not. This has been updated so that the value also gets applied to the comparables. The column header font sizes have been updated so that they are all consistent in their size.
Comparables Price Analysis Modification
When the subject property price wasn’t included, the Comparable Price Analysis would default to the highest comparable price. If there was a subject property price, it defaulted to that price. This has been modified so that regardless of whether there is a subject property price, the analysis will default to the Average Adjusted Price. The assumption is that after adding all the adjustments to the comparables, the adjusted price should be considered in the price analysis.
CMA Amount Values Now Display Consistently
The dollar amounts displayed differently on the Summary of Adjustments, Horizontal Report, and Vertical Report. All three have been modified so that the amounts appear the same. Positive amounts will include a plus sign and negative amounts will include a negative sign.
Total Adjustments Added to CMA Vertical Report
The Vertical Report has been updated to include a Total Adjustments row at the bottom of the report. This row calculates the total of all adjustment amounts being added and subtracted per comparable and displays the combined total.
Collab Center: New Mobile Tab
While using a smartphone, consumers had been having a difficult time knowing where to go to see their favorites, possible, and rejected listings. A new tab structure has been implemented to help make it easier for consumers to find.
Collab Center – Mobile “My Listings” Option
A new menu option is now available for mobile called, “My Listings”. This contains all of the other categories that were once hidden under the Filter button.
Email the Listing Activity Report
The Listing Activity Report has been modified so that it can be printed or sent as a PDF attachment via email.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns related to Paragon or other Board tools, contact the FVREB Helpdesk at 604-930-7626 or helpdesk@fvreb.bc.ca.