The word time to update on pink note paper with alarm clock and pen. Timing for renovation, upgrading and improvement concept.

Update Your Medallion Status with the Board – A Reminder to Members  

Members who were required to update their team status with BCFSA following amendments to the Real Estate Services Rules earlier this year, and who have not yet updated their Medallion status with the Board should do so immediately, using the Medallion Club Team Declaration form.

Registering their Medallion team with the Board will ensure their Medallion status is registered in the correct category, to be eligible to qualify in the Medallion Club Team category.

FVREB Medallion Club Teams must also register with BCFSA as a team to be eligible to qualify for Medallion in the Team category.

If you are forming a real estate team, or making changes to your existing team, first ensure it is registered with BCFSA, then update the Board’s Membership Department.

If you made any changes earlier this year with BCFSA that you do not see in your “My Medallion” on FVREB Connect, please submit the appropriate Medallion Declaration form to the Board right away to get the changes updated with the Board’s Medallion Program. Information registered with both organizations must match. As an example, for a licensee team of 11 FVREB members who are registered with BCFSA as a team, those same 11 members must also be registered with the Board as a team.

As previously advised in eMemo #4247:

  • Medallion Teams must meet the BCFSA definition of a real estate team and must be comprised of a minimum of two FVREB licensees within the same corporate brokerage, which could include different branch offices.
  • Any team registered with BCFSA must register as a FVREB Medallion Club Team. All FVREB Medallion Club Teams must also be registered with BCFSA as a team to be eligible to qualify for Medallion in the Team category. Teams must be registered with both organizations to comply with BCFSA’s new rules and the FVREB Medallion Club Rules.
  • Teams comprising of a single licensee will no longer be allowed to register, or remain in the current Medallion Team category, and must register their status for Medallion to be an Individual, using the Medallion Club Individual Declaration form.

If you have not yet registered your Medallion team or any changes to your Medallion team with the Board, please do so immediately.

Please email MLS® Director, Cheryl Camara with any questions about registering your Medallion status with the Board’s Medallion Program.

For more information about the BCFSA’s Rules regarding teams, please see BCFSA’s Frequently Asked Questions. Please contact if you have any questions.