Register for our upcoming AGM before February 16!

Registration for this year’s Annual General Meeting is easier than ever, and can now be done directly through the TLC Calendar.

The deadline for registration is coming up fast, though, so make sure that you RSVP before Friday, February 16 and guarantee your spot at our biggest meeting of the year.

This year, our meeting will include:

  • Voting on proposed by-law changes, which are detailed here
  • Electing new Directors and Officers for the 2018-2019 term
  • Announcing the John Armeneau Professional of the Year award winner
  • Presentations from CREA and BCREA
  • And more!

Additional details:

Dates: February 21, 2018
Time: 9 am meeting begins; breakfast and sign-in as of 7:30 am
Location: Coast Hotel & Convention Centre
Address: 20393 Fraser Highway, Langley, BC

For more details on AGM 2018, visit our new page on REALTOR Link®.

See you there!